Cannabis, Edibles

Step-by-Step Guide to Your First-Time Weed Edibles Experience

Step-by-Step Guide to Your First-Time Weed Edibles Experience

Weed edibles are already available in many different forms since the brownie mixture days. It has become a cash cow in many places, like in California, where cannabis consumption is legal. 

Finding one is not that hard, as you can get an edible from events like gourmet dinners and even weddings. 

Eating marijuana as a way of consumption is rapidly gaining popularity, although smoking is still the more common method. 

But what exactly is an edible? How high can you get? You’re probably here because you are looking forward to trying one, don’t you? 

Well, allow this guide to your first-time weed edibles to answer every question that boggles your mind.

What are edibles?

Rhetorical, isn’t it. But first, you should have an adequate knowledge of what you are about to take into your body. In essence, edibles are any food product that contains cannabinoids, especially THCs or tetrahydrocannabinol. 

And as mentioned, one common form of an edible is a brownie filled with cannabinoids. But since then, there have become more and more types of edibles such as White Runtz Gummies 500mg THC It is a weed-infused food based on the famous candy. 

The word Edibles is not exclusively referring to food and can also be another term for cannabis-infused drinks. Yet, those are more commonly known as liquid edibles or just ‘drinkables’ for short.

How do edibles affect the body?

If you ever tried vaping or smoking weed, then you know that you’d feel its effects right away. Unlike traditional methods, getting high with edibles is slightly different and is longer-lasting sometimes.

Unlike vaping and smoking, your body needs time to breakdown the cannabinoid compounds and absorb it the same way we digest other meals for its nutrients. There are many factors to consider, such as body weight, metabolism, tolerance, and many others. 

Until then, you can start to feel noticeable effects. By now, you might be starting to think that edibles are slow, and you are right. However, you must know that edibles have a stronger effect compared to smoking and vaping weed. 

One part of the THC absorption process in one’s body is turning the cannabinoid into 11-Hydroxy-THC. It is more potent than inhaled THCs. It can even cross the blood-brain barrier, something smoking and vaping can’t do easily.

How much should you eat?

Because edibles take longer to kick in (usually between 1-3 hours) than smoking, most users often end up eating more, thinking that the drug is not working. It is one of the most common mistakes that beginners do. 

Don’t indulge yourself too much as there’s a high potential for overdose from edibles, and you won’t like the cons associated with it. Also, take note that the symptoms of overdose from cannabis-infused food are often more severe than those from smoking weed. 

Overdosing from cannabis edibles will impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle and may cause hallucinations, panic attacks, paranoia, and psychotic episodes. We often recommend beginners with no tolerance to start with low dosages. 

For example, 5mg of THC is more than enough to start with if it’s your first time. Meanwhile, the standard is 5mg and when you get used to it, you can ramp it up to 10mg.

What Are The Best Tips & Edibles For Beginners?

Our shop has some of the best cannabis-infused edibles and drinkables that you can try. A wise tip for beginners is to do their research for authenticity when purchasing edible products. Many delivery services get away with replicated products like fake Medicated Nerds Rope for instance, so make sure that you invest a little time doing some research for authentic sweet medicated gummies beforehand.

For chocolate lovers, another popular edible to start with is the Wonka Bar. Or if you want to get crafty and creative with your first edible, you can try baking your own edibles at home with Cannabutter.

With our guide to your first-time weed edibles, we hope that you’d have a great first experience!

One thought on “Step-by-Step Guide to Your First-Time Weed Edibles Experience

  1. Itís hard to find well-informed people on this subject, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

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